
新型コロナウイルスへの当会の対応(4/8更新) /
JAR’s Policy in Regard to the Coronavirus (Updated Apr. 8)



作成 2020年4月8日


1. 難民の方々への対応

  • 食料提供や宿泊先の支援など、最低限の生活を維持するために必要な支援活動を続けるため、事務所での対応は週2日(火曜日および金曜日)行い、その他の相談については可能な限り電話およびオンラインで対応します。
  • 当会での相談対応の制限に加え、生活にあたっての注意等を簡潔にまとめ、翻訳した上でメールやウェブサイト等で情報提供していきます。

2. 支援者および関係者の皆様への対応

  • 電話でのお問い合わせに対しては、テレワークで対応をさせていただきます。なるべく問い合わせフォームをご利用いただきますようお願いいたします。
  • 物資の寄贈は、引き続き、受付を中止いたします。
  • 郵送が必要な対応は、遅れることが想定されますので、あらかじめご了承ください。



JAR’s Policy in Regard to the Coronavirus (Updated)

April 8, 2020

We thank you for your continued support.
Yesterday, on April 7th, the government issued a declaration of emergency in seven prefectures, including Tokyo.
Japan Association for Refugees(JAR) decided to reduce the service, considering the safety for our clients and staff, from the first response of COVID-19 in the end of February.

1. Interaction with our clients (refugees / people who seek asylum)

  • We will open the office two days a week (Tuesdays and Fridays) in order to provide the necessary support such as food and accommodation. Other consultations will be handled by phone and online as much as possible.
  • Information about our service restrictions and related issues on the coronavirus will be communicated with regard for our clients via e-mail and SNS.

2. Interaction with supporters and others concerned

  • Inquiries by phone call will be answered in a remote work environment. Please consider contacting us by email.
  • We will remain halting reception of physical donations.
  • Responses for letters and mails may be delayed.

Under such circumstances, our clients, refugees and people seeking asylum can be in more vulnerable and severe situations, so we will do our best to continue providing support while minimizing contact with people and preventing the spread of infection.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.